
My learnings & insights from FOSDEM '25 with Nostr

As a follow up of the note shared by @npub1equrmqway3qxw3dkssymusxkwgwrqypfgeqx0lx9pgjam7gnj4ysaqhkj6 with his learning from FOSDEM, here are mine.

- We need to be there again next year !!!

- We had zero inconvenient moments or unreasonable debates.

- Some attendees are pretty hardcore as one of them visited the stand the second time after when he installed the Gossip client on his PostmarketOS powered phone asking how to proceed using Nostr. People at FOSDEM are not normal ;-)

- Many people do ask why Nostr is here as another social media protocol.

- Questions about the differences with other protocols are very common, mentioning ActivityPub and ATproto.

- Almost everyone knows what Mastodon and the fediverse is.

- Had some questions how private Nostr is, so this confirms that we really need the private stuff for Nostr.

- At many moments it was hard to understand each other due all the noise from other people. Especially when you're speaking not your native language.

- When talking about using a private key you get really good questions how convient it could be (or not as some really don't believe it can work for normies) used in the context of social media. As in how often you will need this key for the actions you take using a Nostr client. A topic also very well explained by Constant in the Nostr main talk.

- We had 500+ stickers, but we needed more as we ran out of them during the Sunday morning.

- We handed-out around 400-500 NIP-01 folders.

- We handed-out almost 1000 A5 flyers.

- We did almost no onboardings but that's fine. FOSDEM attendees are tech-savy and will find their own way using the Nostr protocol with some client. We were not there telling people what they should do.
We need more merchandise next year. There were some stands with outstanding merchandise and I'm sure Nostr can offer the same (even better!) with the many talented creatives we already have in the community.

- Having just one table with a size of 180x80 (just like any other stand) you really have to choice what to display and not. Being there with 5-6 people was just enough as we all were quite surprised with the amount of interest.

- Happy to meet some BLOCK people at the end of the conference. Even more happy to see that they also joined Nostr now!

- Make sure to watch the main talk about Nostr with @npub1t6jxfqz9hv0lygn9thwndekuahwyxkgvycyscjrtauuw73gd5k7sqvksrw

- When the talk was finished, there were many questions. More questions than could be answered within the timeslot, so it was almost impossible for Constant to leave the stage without answers ;)

- The FOSDEM organisation asked us multiple times how things were going. Especially with the announced protests against Jack Dorsey they were curious we didn't have any inconvenient moments. We really appreciate that!

- Overall we had the feeling that we were very welcome and we had a great opportunity to introduce Nostr to a new audience.

Explaining Nostr with slides at FOSDEM

With Swiper ( I'm building a presentation with slides to be displayed at the #FOSDEM Nostr booth. Each slide will contain a short text / payoff saying something about Nostr. The goal is that visitors can watch these slides and get a first impression what Nostr is.

WOuld love to hear your thoughts on this!
At this moment, I've included a lot of slides with these contents / texts:

It's a protocol, not a platform

Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays

Foster freedom and social cohesion

A libre protocol for communication using WebSockets

Key signed events with data (JSON),
broadcasted between clients and relays

Not a crypto, blockchain or web3 project

A grassroots project
started in november 2019 by Fiatjaf

Easy to implement,
simplicity is key

You are free to build anything,
but also embrace the chaos ;-)

The database for your local-first application

Rich development ecosystem with many libraries and SDKs

It's serving the freedom of choice

Not perfect and it will never be
Worse is better (Richard P. Gabriel 1989)

Stop studying protocols,
just start building

A movement endorsing digital autonomy

Use and build social media for friends,
not for billionaires

The protocol is the API,
the API is on the protocol level

Jack Dorsey and Edward Snowden loves it

A local-first internet identity

The most open network with digital signed and verifiable data

You can find all the slides here:

This is how it currently looks, work in progress

Repo with the code:


I feel I need to ventilate some things I'm struggling with. As a indiepreneur I don't have many professionals around me with who I can share my daily struggles which I'm handling now. I'm aware it's a sort of a luxury position where the current fricton is coming from. It's because I've said too much yes to some responsabilties. I'm managing 4 client (Drupal) projects at this moment and all of them are asking for decent amount of my attention. Integrating new features, updating existing features, questions how things work, bugfixes etc. Normally their demand of them is steady. But as always, at the end of the year things are stacking up. It's no surprise that you can't manage their demands so it's the expection of my output to them I have to manage. It's the output I create for the value I deliver. Especially one project is getting all of my attention because I'm building a complete new commerce rental system with Drupal for campers. There is a deadline involved there, I've one month left to build it and have it tested.
For me it's very challenging to manage those expectations and basicly saying no to things in a friendly way. But offcourse, this also takes time...

With this said, there is another project which is not actively demanding anything from me (it's not a kind of a customer client): Nostr-PHP. My work pace on this project is lacking, but it's the damn thing I love the most to work on 💜

So what is this? What do I feel?
It feels like cognitive dissonation. If I follow my intrinsic motivation I can work on Nostr-PHP and other Nostr stuff for whole days. If I follow my ratio, it's all the client work what has to be done (and is mostly also paying the bills).

Anyway, now I ventilated this it's time to go back building stuff ⚒️ ⚒️ ⚒️
One thing I know of myself is that when the pressure is really high, I'm able to finish stuff rapidly for a short period of time.

FOSDEM 2025 Nostr stand application is submitted

Thanks for all the feedback on

Our application for a Nostr stand at FOSDEM 2025 has been submitted:

Now let's have some patience before we receive a reply =)

Looking for a translating tool for some of my articles (Dutch to English)

Your personal graph becomes the holy grail.
In 2011 I wrote 3 articles about this in Dutch:

1. We're giving away everything

2. Personal data are outlawed

3. Your personal graph

They are very related to Nostr in someway so I would like to republish them in English.
What good translation services / tools are out there which I can use?


Signal from this podcast episode with @QW, @Corndalorian and @Walker

Timestamp 56:30
@Walker explains #POSSE with Nostr, Publish On (your own) Site and Syndicate Everywhere.

Timestamp 1:10:30
@QW explains Nostr needs some sort of a news aggregator to feed the Nostreport.

Timestamp 1:38:00
Why it's so hard to push Nostr and what is needed when others are willing to learn more about Nostr.

Nostr and flexibility

The price of flexibility
- hard to pitch / explain
- chaos, you can get lost very easy
- no rules to follow
- there is always more than 1 solutions possible

The pluses of flexibility
- build anything, can be a solution for anything
- spacious
- boost creativity when you're into it
- for the artists

Nostr - the social anything protocol

Nostr is a social anything protocol.
- Open: a community-driven project where you don't need any permission to join
- Decentralized: all data is transmitted over little servers (relays)
- Social: all data (events) are signed with your own keypair
- Anything: it's so flexible it can be used for any content type

My learned Nostr lessons from the Nostr booth @ Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024

Some of my learned lessons of my voluntary #growNostr job at the Nostr booth at Bitcoin Amsterdam.

- Don't count too much on the organisation taking care of nice place with a booth. After the BTC Prague conference their idea was to setup a similar booth. As the Amsterdam conference was getting closer, this setup was already downgraded in certains ways. At the end we just had to deal with a table in the corner of the expo hall besides other companies. This doesn't make sense. There is a community area as well at the Bitcoin Amsterdam conference and to me it's still a big question mark why a grassroots project isn't placed there. So for next year it would be a very nice to have to bring our own booth to the conference.

- So many people who don't know Nostr assume you're a company (because we were standing in the area with all the other companies).

- Some people assumed Nostr is an NFT.

- Some people assumed Nostr uses some blockchain technology.

- The concept of there is no single point of truth or a consensus mechanism is sometimes quite hard to understand for some.

- Search often doesn't work in clients we used to explain / onboard people. I guess many clients are running a background process indexing content. That content is not avaible immediately when you just downloaded a client.

- Using a NFC card with your npub is really use to share it with someone else and start following (thx nostr:npub1fldgkyxjm92mr7zlrejmhd3ymlzx2awhpxpwserzl5v2w7a7a93q0n7wu7 and nostr:npub1t6jxfqz9hv0lygn9thwndekuahwyxkgvycyscjrtauuw73gd5k7sqvksrw showing this). There is a huge market opportunity here selling Nostr NFC powered merchandise.

- At average it takes around 10-20 minutes to talk with just someone explaining all different Nostr stuff.

- Many people already understand why we need Nostr and their questions were in general about how to do certain stuff as they already have a Nostr keypair.

- Explaining my own story why I use Nostr seems to resonate. In this story I explain why Nostr is healthy and serving my digital wellbeing in a positive way.

- Helping at the booth is one of the best ways to meet new people.

- The livestream just worked, the wifi connection was really good! Thumbs up for that to the organisation!

- When explaining Nostr, you often just see the click in someones mind when they just see how different the protocol works compared to other (legacy) platforms we're using.

- People like stickers, almost our whole stack is gone now.

- People really like nostr:npub1gwa27rpgum8mr9d30msg8cv7kwj2lhav2nvmdwh3wqnsa5vnudxqlta2sz his art and style.

- We need informational flyers which people can take with them to home.

- We need rollup banners. Especially when you just have a table availble you can use as a 'booth'.

- We need more (free) merchandise.

- When people see a free power outlet, they will ask you if they can use it to charge their phone.

- I need to take notes of people's names who I helped onboarding so I can tag them later on. Tagging me was often a challenge for them (it's the same issue with search) when they took the effort to write an #introduction note.

- Nostr needs to attent to a non-Bitcoin event / conference to gather feedback from other type of audiences.

Relays I maintain

- my first relay I set up back in 2023 powered by Nostream which I still use as a personal (archival) relay

- a personal archival relay powered by Chorus

- a niche relay powered by Khatru ( around geo stuff on Nostr (there is a filter with a whitelist of event kind numbers)

- Ditto relay

- a relay for broadcasting Blossom mediaserver lists (kind 10063) powered by Khatru

- Web of Trust relay implementation powered by

- testing out easy to set custom policies and filters on a Khatru powered relay, see

- invite only relay powered by

Thanks for the Nostr booth shout out at the Satoshi Radio podcast

Thanks @BartMol for the #NostrBooth shout-out we're setting up at @BitcoinAmsterdam (October 9 & 10)

More about this initiative and our fundraiser goals:

I'm very humbled to be part of this project collaborating with @Jeroen @Derek @Jurjen @Bitpopart @Sync @Arjen @Goosie @Constant @Ramon @Tomek @Peter @Nogood

Nostriga recap

First, sorry for this hell-thread with all the tags below ;)

This is my "brief" recap of #Nostriga. feels like an attempt to recap it as for most of my feelings I can't find the correct words how to describe it. I expected it to be valuable to attend, but overall it exceeded all of my expectations by the factor of ten. Just wow...what an unique expierence I had!

I spent the most of my time at the smaller stages and the venue. I really like the small places where new connections are made easily and existing relations are strengthened. I didn't care about missing most of the stuff at the mainstage, cause I knew theu would all recorded. After the first day, I almost met everyone who I've speak to only online in the last 1.5 years.

Thanks for giving me a mic after five minutes at your panel discussing nostrCI options. This was a great setting with all the interactions! This is the way how we should collaberate!


Your philosophical thoughts are inspiring!

You were one of the first ones I met when I entered the venue quite early (thanks for helping me to get a Nostriga shirt!). Both volunteering. See you in Amsterdam within two months!

Great to meet you! I'm not sure we had a beer together...🍻

Sorry for not remembering you at first. I promise to look at your exciting Nostr native WYSIWYG editor so I can use it in #Drupal for example 💯 While I'm writing down these letters (in Drupal) I wish I had those features already here (like tagging you instead of copy-pasting your npub here).

We met at the venue bar getting a beer so I was gratefull to say thanks to you for my OpenSats grant. Please send this message to the whole board 😉

THANK YOU so much for organising this unforgettable conference.

Thanks for handling all the AV stuff and making sure every speaker was set to do his own thing on stage!

Finally meeting in meatspace instead of having online meeting to discuss Vue stuff!

Great job by adding last-minute very usefull scheduled Nostriga event in the nostr:npub1c0nfstrlj0jy8kvl953v84hudwnpgad0zx709z0ey7nmjp0llegslzg243 app!

Still not sure which version of you I've met 😉
Worse is better right? I attended your talk as I expected it to be good. were crushing it. In my opinion the best talk of the conference.

I started to follow your work when you were still active at and Nostr was not on my mind yet. Was really cool to meet you and feel your energy building stuff with Nostr.

My keynote with the title "POSSE - how we pivot away from API's with one of Nostr superpowers" was also accepted. Friday noon I was at the proof of talk stage.
I can't remember when I did a presentation for the last time. And doing it in English was my first time for sure. Not sure I will do this again, giving a keynote in English was tough and unfortunately my browser crashed two times so I was not seeing my speaker notes anymore after the first crash. There are quite some learnings here for me which I will take with me 🤔 But I'm happy that I did it anyway ✅
You can find all the slides here:

Thanks for this drawing nostr:npub19m7m3rs66pfdn4ewhrm8slh60ukyxgrylaa03m73wa40j39lc03syq4gfu

Also a shout out to all the Dutchies for the chats, diners, drinks and some clubbing!

nostr:npub1hw6amg8p24ne08c9gdq8hhpqx0t0pwanpae9z25crn7m9uy7yarse465gr nostr:npub1t6jxfqz9hv0lygn9thwndekuahwyxkgvycyscjrtauuw73gd5k7sqvksrw nostr:npub1pzurm7nx3q08894wl6uautryq95sku5jhzgwjjrskwdafcwxekuq4n7vtu nostr:npub1l4kqtvtq7ejzjkj440e6wzu7rqw0slefc0k7y886hzxcvgut4alspys27g nostr:npub17plqkxhsv66g8quxxc9p5t9mxazzn20m426exqnl8lxnh5a4cdns7jezx0 nostr:npub1k5f85zx0xdskyayqpfpc0zq6n7vwqjuuxugkayk72fgynp34cs3qfcvqg2 nostr:npub1va202cd8zewyutssndycvlvgh4tft6gdhdn6jh95zvhr5rck7eussanzs4 nostr:npub1gwa27rpgum8mr9d30msg8cv7kwj2lhav2nvmdwh3wqnsa5vnudxqlta2sz nostr:npub12ps9azkx2qtgey2hj6dfq6gvqq439fwmjju0007ft3cqy4th9zxq078lk0

Thanks all for being there and your energy. I'm very humbled to be part of this movement.
To wrap this note up, here are some more photo's of #Nostriga

And oh, one last thing.
Who's coming to nostr:npub1h5ewqujs336m0kdez46l03jttnaqp3yrvf7evertw0ec52q3qulq4kcdg7?

Nostr serves your free will

It’s not about control, it’s about freedom of choice.
- Choose your relays
- Choose your clients
- Choose your feeds
Nostr serves your free will.
Inspired by this talk ‘Tech and Freedom’ of Jack Dorsey: and this interview with Lyn Alden en Jack Dorsey about the power of open source.

Quote from
In Oslo, Dorsey said ( that the "free speech debate is a complete distraction. I think the debate should be about free will. We feel it right now because we are being programmed." The algorithms used by platforms like X "know us better than we know ourselves," Dorsey said.

The Nostr-PHP logo

Nostr-PHP logo created by @npub1gwa27rpgum8mr9d30msg8cv7kwj2lhav2nvmdwh3wqnsa5vnudxqlta2sz (