2025 already started and I'm behind sharing weekly updates around the Nostr stuff.
Nostr-PHP helper library 90-day OpenSats report #2
As a OpenSats grantee every quarter I need to report what I've done regarding to my grant application. This is my second 90-day report (Augustus - October 2024) for the work I've done for the Nostr-PHP helper library.
Week 47 updates
While a new version of PHP is released (8.4) the latest version of 8.2 and 8.3 introduced a bug which leads to errors for signing en verifying events in the library.
Week 45+46 updates
Summary of Nostr stuff I worked on in these two weeks.
Your personal graph
In the previous article, "Personal data are outlawed" it was described how everyone, in theory, has a personal graph. This graph can be built up from existing graphs such as the link, social, and interest graph.
Personal data are outlawed
In a previous article, "We're Giving Everything Away," it was described how each of us is a product within various social media services. We trade our digital identity for the free use of these services. We pay, as it were, with a piece of our privacy. In itself, this principle is not necessarily a problem. However, it often remains unclear what exactly happens with our data.
We're giving away everything
Personal information belongs to you, not to Facebook, Google, Hyves, or other social media platforms. Yet, we've been giving it away to them for years, without fully realizing the potential indirect consequences that may arise in the future. In my opinion, there are still many people who don't fully understand that they can use these social media platforms for free, but at a cost.
Week 44 updates
1 year later, why Nostr still resonates and NIP-19 struggles with encoding TLV
1 year later, why Nostr still resonates
After 1 year deciding to do more with Nostr, my love for the protocol has grown significant. It's not only the protocol, but also being part of an ideology-driven movement is something that really hits a sensitive chord.
Week 43 updates
FOSDEM 2025, NIP-42 and NIP-19, transpher
A Nostr stand submission for FOSDEM 2025
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. With a group of volunteers we would like to attend the event with a stand / booth. In this article you can read our submission for a Nostr stand.
Week 42 updates
Week 42 updates
Week 40 + 41 updates
Week 40: PHP async concurrent websocket requests
Week 41: Nostrdam and the Nostr booth @ Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024
Week 39 updates
Weekly updates for week number 39.
Week 38 updates
Some work in progress updates of this week.
Week 37 updates
Working out the code for doing async PHP requests with a WebSocket connection and the famous Http/Guzzle client.
Week 35 & 36 updates
A lot of Nostr side-projects are on my plate as we're gearing up for setting up a next-level Nostr Booth at Bitcoin Amsterdam. For Nostr-PHP I finally started to work out a proof-of-concept doing async concurrent requests.
Week 34 updates for Nostr-PHP
Week 34 updates for Nostr-PHP
Nostr-PHP 90-day OpenSats report #1 May - July 2024
Development of Nostr-PHP library
Progress Report #1 - May - July 2024
Week 33 updates for Nostr-PHP
I picked up the work from kriptonix he has done a couple of weeks ago for setting a structure of handling relay responses.