- Added a notes and blog section to nostver.se
- Nodes of content type note can be crossposted to Nostr
- Nodes of content type blog can be crossposted to Nostr (this blog is an example)
- Release
: Update phrity/websocket package to ^3.0 to support PSR-3 logger - https://github.com/sirn-se/websocket-php/compare/2.2.3...3.0.0 - https://nostr-php.dev website updates
- Logo added
- Content added
- Styling overrides
- Zapped Bitpopart for his work on the logo (300k sats) https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqsa64uxz3ek0kx2mzlhqs0seavay4l06c4xek6a0zup8pmge8c6vqy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq35amnwvaz7tms09exzmtfvshxv6tpw34xze3wvdhk6tcqypr6u8rc0u5rl283e6humaef5uyynfq5cdnsf08wj6h4nlwtuuk4267kz9a