Nostr by default

Sebastian Hagens

Let's fix the web

I -Sebastian Hagens- believe any contribution to Nostr can have in potential an exponential benefit for all people. On this website I'm sharing all my contributions to Nostr.


Building and maintaining this Nostr agnostic helper library for fellow PHP developers. This project is supported by OpenSats.


CCNS is a Nostr-focused community platform centered around link aggregation and discussion topics. Anyone with a Nostr account is able to post links and start discussions. Those are curated with zaps with a user defined number of sats. 


Nuxstr is a starter kit for building a Nostr client with the Nuxt Vue framework and Nostr Dev Kit (NDK). 

ZapLamp livestream on

This is a neat DIY package from LNbits. Powered by a Arduino ESP32 dev board it's running 24/7 livestream on at my office and flashes when you send a zap to my lightning address Try it!

This is a Blossom mediaserver for Nostr. Blossom enables distributed file storage with Nostr. 
Besides this mediaserver I'm also running a relay for transmitting Blossom Nostr events wss://


A concept for a micro app for managing your relay list to make sure you are "echoing" your relay list over the network with different event kinds. 

I wrote the Dutch translation for
The pull request on GitHub:

My Nostr related blogs

Check out my Nostr research & development business page on

Other stuff I'm working on for Nostr

  • Nostr internet identifier NIP-05
    Drupal module to setup Nostr internet identifier addresses with Drupal
  • Nostr Simple Publish
    Drupal module to cross-post notes from Drupal to Nostr
  • Nostr long-form content NIP-23
    Drupal module to cross-post Markdown formatted content from Drupal to Nostr
  • Entix (status: inactive)
    Concept for a label-based (NIP-32) search tool.
  • nTestr (status: inactive)
    Concept for serving the development community with tests to take Nostr mainstream. 
  • (status: inactive)
    Scratching my own itches with a fork of, a Twitter-like client. My self-hosted Nostr client for debugging and building stuff, but you can use it as well if you like it.